Sunday, February 24, 2008

How to Write

I've been working this weekend with one of my editors on an authors submission. The story was good, but what the AC editor didn't realize was the story had no 'real' plot and no antagonist. This is an editor's nightmare. First, because the authors play prima donna and make life miserable for editors. Second, because the editor must fix the problem - very few authors know how to fix a major problem like this.

This is a major reason why authors remain unpublished. It doesn't take a very advanced writer's course to learn that all books must have an antagonist. In fact, any of the 'idiot's guide' books will tell you that. They will also explain what a plot is and give you enough information to build one.

This author has at least six months of rewrites ahead of them, and Enspiren Press will not touch another of this author's books - putting them right back at square one.

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